✈️Creating a Warp

Want players to visit you? Use our Player Warps system!

Our Player Warps system allows you to warp to player-set warps around the world!

To see all pwarp locations, type /pwarp GUI or /pwarp list. Here are the other commands:

  • Set a pwarp: /pwarp set <name>

  • Delete a pwarp: /pwarp delete <warp>

  • Warp to a pwarp: /pwarp warp <warp> or use the /pwarp GUI

  • Add a description: /pwarp setlore <warp> <line> <description>

  • Remove a description: /pwarp resetlore <warp>

  • Move a pwarp: /pwarp movewarp <warp>

  • Change privacy:

    • Public: /pwarp setpublic <warp>

    • Private: /pwarp setprivate <warp>

    • Trust or untrust players while Private: /pwarp trust/untrust <warp> <player>

  • Set the display item: /pwarp setitem <warp> while holding item.

    • Reset display item: /pwarp resetitem <warp>

Last updated